Okay, I know, I haven't posted anything in a long time. I've attempted twice to write something but something else always seems more important at the time.

Well, a lot has happened since my last post. I've had numerous quilts published in McCalls Quilting, McCalls Quick Quilts, The Quilter, Quilt, Quick Quilts, and Quilt Almanac! Just a few photos. I do have the kits for all three quilts shown here, plus more.
I also have some new free web patterns. Florence on Timeless Treasures www.ttfabrics.com website and Royal Mendhi Crystals on Hoffman's www.hoffmanfabrics.com website. I do not have the fabric yet for the kits but will be carrying them in a few months. More free patterns to come on Hoffman's website.
The biggest news of all is that my St. Louis Star Inn is finally becoming a reality. My builder will be working on my studio next month and promises to have everything done by the end of May. I have just posted information regarding fees, workshops and other information on my website www.gatewayquiltsnstuff.com. Just check under Quilt Retreat Center.
I'll post more information as I get time and catch you up on what I'm doing. Also don't miss my HUGE birthday sale on my website, March 31. One day only everything will be 40% off with a $20 minimum purchase (before the 40% is applied). Your 40% off will be refunded after your purchase. Be sure to check it out.