I went to Texas last week to teach at two guilds. I had such a good time. I stayed with two wonderful quilters who treated me like family. Here is a photo of the finished blocks from my Parfait class in New Braunfels. This class is from my new Kaleidostars book. Everyone looks happy!
I also got a chance to visit with my son in Austin. He took me to the Alamo and the River walk in San Antonio. It was a beautiful day and I had a great time with him. I don't get to see him that often. (Don't I look happy!)
I think I am behind picking winners for my blocks. I have decided to just draw names instead of having quilters vote because it seems that the same people are picked and I don't want to leave anyone out. So those who finished my Connecticut blocks, if you haven't sent the images to me, please do so I can draw a name next week. Please email them to me instead of sending them through Facebook or Messenger. It is easier for me to put your name to it when you do that. Send them to tlischko@yahoo.com.
Just thought you would like to see a recent photo of my puppies. In a month they have doubled in size!
This week's block is Delaware. I had some problems finding a second block but with perseverance I did find it.
Block A
This is a simple 9-patch with a Snowball block. I used the dark focus fabric, one light and one medium print. I cut up the large Snowball instead of having one large piece. That is what is fun about doing these blocks. It is a challenge for me to figure out where I want to fussy cut a simple block.
Focus fabric 1 :
* Cut two sets of four repeats with template C.
Light fabric 2:
* Cut (10) 2-1/2" squares (or use template A)
Medium fabric 3:
* Cut (8) 2-1/2" squares (or use template A)
* Cut (4) 2-7/8" squares; cut each once diagonally into (8) HST (or cut (8) template B).
1. Sew the four Focus fabric 1 Template C together, then sew on Fabric 3 HST (template B) on each corner. Press to corners. Make 2.
2. Sew the (5) Fabric 2 light squares (A) and (4) Fabric 3 medium squares (A) together to create a nine-patch. Press patches to medium fabric, then press rows to center. Make 2.
3. Sew the nine-patch squares to the Snowball squares. Press to Nine patch.
Block B
This block is a little more challenging. It's like a nine-patch that was cut on an angle. I chose the dark focus fabric for two different sections of the block. If you want to fussy cut just the center then that is okay. I also chose a light and a medium dark.
Focus fabric 1:
* Fussy cut four repeats with template C.
* Fussy cut four repeats with template B right side up. Place a small pin or use a marking tool to identify the straight of grain edge. (Marked on the template.)
Light fabric 2:
* Cut four template B with the template turned wrong side up, and cutting one layer at a time or have all four layers face up. (There is a left and right side of B so you need to make sure that 4 are cut with the template face up and 4 with it face down.) Place a small pin or use a marking tool to identify the straight of grain edge.
Medium Dark fabric 3:
* Cut four template A. Place a small pin or use a marking tool to identify the straight of grain edge. (Marked on the template.)
1. Sew the four template A patches together.

2. Sew the light template B template C sections together. Make sure that the side with the pin on it is on the outside. Make 4. Press to C.
3. Sew the fussy cut template B to each end of step 2 as illustrated. Pay attention to the straight of the grain edge on template B. Make 2. Press to fussy cut B.
4. Sew the sections from step 2 to opposite sides of the center section, matching seams. Press to center square.
5. Sew the sections from step 3 to the other two sides. Press to center square.
I hope you have fun making these blocks. I really did. Here are the templates. Remember, save them to a folder then open them. Please let me know if you have any problems opening them.
Delaware Block A templates
Delaware Block B templates
Please feel free to share your blocks with me. This is the final block that I will do this year. (I'm sure you will need a break with the holidays coming up.) I will start up again on the first Monday in January. Thank you for participating.
Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, and Happy New Year!
As always: Do what you love and love what you do.