Well we are getting closer to the end of this special. Be sure to comment everyday to be eligible for the drawing on Tuesday (after day 8). On Monday, the 8th day I will announce what the prize is.
Today I want to give you a sneak peek at my new book Kaleidostars published by AQS coming out in February. Most of you who know me, know that I love fussy cutting fabric and this book is all about that and more. If you read my St. Louis Stars book you will know that I give step-by-step precise instructions that make piecing easy. This book included instructions about fussy cutting but all of the quilts in it did not use that technique. (Click on the captions under my images to go to my website.)
In my new book, I show how to use symmetrical fabrics to create quilts that will amaze your friends. These quilts look hard but are actually not as hard as you think. The block is an 8-Point star (different than my St. Louis Star block) that has no "y" seams and is pieced in sections.
The cover quilt I called Mardi Gras. I used Paula Nadelstern's Palindromes collection to fussy-cut. Here is an image of the Kaleidostar block using a Timeless Treasures fabric. I selectively cut two sets of 4 exact repeats and alternated the cuts in the diamonds. This book shows you how to get perfectly exact repeats every time! I have been teaching this workshop for a little over a year now and everyone that has taken my workshop is amazed how great their blocks are. Some of them were beginning quilters! I will be teaching this workshop in Paducah, KY at the AQS show in April and will be doing book signings that week, so I hope some of you will sign up for one of my workshops and come to my book signings that week. I don't know the schedule yet, but will get it to you as soon as I find out.
The book will be out in February but can be pre-ordered on my website. Watch my blog for more sneak peeks of quilts in the book! For today's special, you can purchase my St. Louis Star book for 40% off. That's only $14.97. This is for today only. This book will give you an idea of what to expect in my newest book, plus you will get a precursor to how to fussy-cut fabrics and will have you coming back in February to purchase my new book! Be sure to leave a comment at the bottom so you can be in the drawing on Tuesday. If you have left a comment each day you will have 8 chances to win. I need your email address too or I won't be able to contact you if you win. As always: Do what you love and love what you do. Thank you for reading. Toby Lischko
Boy, writing a blog a day is really not an easy thing! I don't know how some quilters do it. I was busy this morning trying to get a pattern done for Washington Street Studio fabric company. It will be a free pattern on their website and I will be sure to share it with you as soon as they post it. I don't think they will mind if I post an image of it here.
It features a beautiful fabric collection called Savannah Classics. These are just a couple samples. I'm not sure when the fabrics will be available but I will let you know that too. I don't know if I will be carrying them in my shop as my room is limited but if I find there is an interest, I will carry them. There are 10 fabrics in the quilt.
I do have a Block of the Month pattern using a Washington Street Studio fabric collection called Southern Vintage. It is a similar looking collection. If you live close to my studio I would love for you to participate. It will be held the second Tuesday of the month morning and afternoon sessions. It is a nine session pattern. The first eight have two blocks per week. The last one is putting the quilt together. If you want more information about the program just email me or leave a comment at the bottom. Here is what the pattern looks like. It is available for purchase also on my website if you just want to do a sampler quilt on your own. Click on the caption under the image to take you to the pattern.
Here are a couple pieces in the collection. I'm holding off purchasing the collection until I get enough people to participate because there are 16 different fabrics in the quilt! The fabric looks so much yummier in person!
For today's special I will be selling my kits at 20% off. That includes any sale kits that I have. So you would get 20% off the sale price if applicable. That would make some quilts at more than 50% off total! It will be refunded to your account after purchase. I have two beautiful quilt kits that make my Eden pattern. They both have beautiful Timeless Treasures fabrics designed by Chong A Whang. I just LOVE the fabrics she designs.
I hope you find something you like. Please feel free to forward this blog to any of your quilting friends. I would also like you to consider "liking" my Gateway Quilts & Stuff Facebook page. I'm trying to get to 2,000 likes by the end of the year. Gateway Quilts & Stuff Facebook page. That's all for now. As always: Do what you love and love what you do. Thanks for reading. Toby Lischko DON'T FORGET TO LEAVE A COMMENT AND EMAIL ADDRESS TO BE IN A DRAWING FOR A PRIZE ON MONDAY.
I thought I'd get an early start this time to give people more time to shop!
I consider myself a traditional quilter, but every once in a while I do try to step out of my comfort zone and do something different. I'm very critical of my quilting and when I finish piecing a quilt I worry that my quilting is going to ruin it. I watched a You tube video of Angela Walters and she said we need to stop being so critical of ourselves. That if someone gives you a compliment about your work, don't point out your mistakes! She lists two other things that quilters should never do. You can see her video here: Angela Walters
With that in mind, I decided to enter a miniature quilt in the QuiltCon show in California. QuiltCon is a show for modern quilters. I work better under pressure and the deadline was last Monday at midnight. I got my form filled out and images sent by 11:55 p.m. Talk about close call! Here is the quilt. Like I said this is way out of my comfort zone as I usually on do quilts that are symmetrical or very balanced. This is far from that. I called it Dots and Dashes. I had to use a Michael Miller fabric for the challenge which is the fabric with the dots. All it is, is a simple Rail Fence pattern. It is 21" square.
Here are some close ups of the quilting. I did the straight line and circle quilting on my regular sewing machine and the fill in work on my longarm machine. I will find out at the end of December if it is chosen to be in the show.
For today's special I am putting my P&B Mykonos fabrics at 20% off. They are more of a modern type design, very linear. They were regularly $11.50 a yard and are on sale for $9.00. I will refund 20% of your purchase on these fabrics. These are some of them and you can find them here: P&B Mykonos.
Well, gotta go to bed. I will post this first thing in the morning. As always: Do what you love and love what you do. Thank you for reading, Toby (BE SURE TO LEAVE A COMMENT AND YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS TO BE IN THE DRAWING ON MONDAY.)
Sorry for the late post. I had to check out a quilt shop in St. Louis that just carries batiks. It is a huge warehouse with every piece of Hoffman batiks that they make!!! It was overwhelming. Luckily I had just gone to the bank and cashed in all my coins so I had money to spend! Of course I spent it (well not all of it, I had to save some for dinner that I picked up on the way home). I could have spent all day there but then I wouldn't have any money left at all.
So since I went to the shop I decided that today's special will be the Hoffman Challenge 2016 fabric (which just came in yesterday). It is made with a new digital process (that I don't understand). Your regular quilt shop fabrics can have up to 18 colors printed on them in the factory. With the digital process the number of colors is infinite!! The colors on these type of fabrics is unbelievably beautiful. The first two are the challenge fabrics. You can use one or both but they have to be used in the quilt. The other two fabrics are coordinating prints. They do not have to be used in the challenge quilt (but they certainly are pretty). Click on the caption under the fabric to find it on my website.
I decided that just for today I would have this fabric on sale for $12.00. I know that sounds like a lot. Due to the new process of printing these fabrics they usually sell for $13.50. So if you would like to participate in the challenge or just purchase them because they are so pretty, in order to get this price you need to purchase it before midnight tonight. These fabrics are very soft to the touch.
If you want more information regarding the challenge you can find it here: Hoffman Challenge
Gotta go....as always: Do what you love and love what you do.
Be sure to leave a comment (and include your email address) at the bottom of this blog so you can be eligible to win a prize on the last day of Chanukah. Thank you for reading. Toby
I have a special friend who every year she mails me a package right before Chanukah. She is not Jewish but she always seems to know when it is (sometimes before me)! In it she puts 8 small gifts and labels them Day 1, Day 2, etc. and then some nice saying on the label. I'm just like a kid when I get to open a gift a night just like when I was young and when I did the same for my children! It might be a box of nuts, some lip balm, or even a pair of socks but she is so thoughtful to take the time to do it. I hope each of you have a special friend like I do.
Day 2's special is 20% off any of my templates. That includes my new Kaleidostar or Helix sets. If you purchase the templates it includes the pattern free.
Take for example my Hourglass template set. (Click on the caption to take you to the webpage.) This easy pattern is made with 2-1/2" strips.
I hope you find something that you want to make. If you leave a comment (and your email) I will put you in a drawing on the last day of Chanukah for a special prize.
I'm enjoying this unusually warm weather for December. It will be 60º today! I hope you are enjoying your day too. Thanks for reading. As always: Do what you love and love what you do. Toby Lischko
Where do I begin? So much has happened since my last post.
First I want to get business out of the way. I will be having an "8 Days of Chanukah sale, starting today. Each day will be a different special. Today's (Monday) special is buy one pattern get one half off. That includes pdfs. After purchasing I will refund the half off to your account and any shipping charges if you purchase a pdf. This includes my newest patterns. (Click on the caption under the images to go to the webpage.)
The first two quilts use my 8" Helix templates which are similar to my 7" Geese on the Loose templates. The second one uses my New York Beauty templates, so if you already have them then you are set to go! You can make your own if you wish as the template images are included in the patterns.
Now to the news! I have a new book coming out in February. It is called Kaleidostars and will be published by AQS. If you liked my St. Louis Stars book you will definitely like this book! You can pre-order the book on my website. Stay tuned for special give-aways when the book comes out.