Welcome back!!!! I can't believe how beautiful all of the blocks are coming out! Isn't it amazing how much changing colors or fabric placement creates a whole different look. Some quilters accidentally put some of the units in upside-down or backwards but in the whole scheme of things it doesn't really affect the finished project. It just creates a different look in the center of the quilt. That is of course if all of the sections are switched. If it is just one or two of the sections then you might consider fixing them for a cohesive look.
Ashley Hough made another great tutorial video for part 2. If you haven't seen it you can view it here: Ashley's Video. For week 2 download click on the link above (Week 2 block 1).
I have been following the FB posts and I understand some of you are frustrated because you do not get an email regarding the new installments. Would you believe I don't get them either! Don't focus on that because each installment can be found on the Facebook page under announcements or files. It is best to download them to your computer as I hear that using your smart phone or pad it is more difficult to find.
Ashley Hough made another great tutorial video for part 2. If you haven't seen it you can view it here: Ashley's Video. For week 2 download click on the link above (Week 2 block 1).
I have been following the FB posts and I understand some of you are frustrated because you do not get an email regarding the new installments. Would you believe I don't get them either! Don't focus on that because each installment can be found on the Facebook page under announcements or files. It is best to download them to your computer as I hear that using your smart phone or pad it is more difficult to find.
I promised that I would show you how to twist that center seam on the back of a four patch. This short little video will hopefully help. ( I didn't do one, why reinvent the wheel when there is Youtube!)
From this point forward you will be piecing a variety of blocks that will be used in different places in the quilt. Not until the end will you see where these blocks go (unless you will be doing the lap size and then you will get to see it earlier).
From this point forward you will be piecing a variety of blocks that will be used in different places in the quilt. Not until the end will you see where these blocks go (unless you will be doing the lap size and then you will get to see it earlier).
In this installment you will be making a lot of half-square triangles. I have you cutting squares just a little larger than you will need and then trimming the finished half-square triangle unit to 2-3/4". The best way to cut half-square triangles is, after you cut your individual squares, line up the two fabric squares you will use right sides together, and then cut the triangles. That way, they are ready to sew and they are cut at the same time. Be sure to read through all of the instructions before beginning. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me or Ashley by using our names on Facebook.
If you want to make more than one at a time, I have designed my own Half-square triangle paper so you can make 8 at a time. You will need 40 total so you just need to copy the foundation 5 times on some type of thin paper. Be sure to check the 1" box after printing to make sure it prints at the correct size. (Print at "no scaling" or at 100%.) Cut the two fabrics into 7" squares and cut out around the paper form (I cut about 1/4" around the line).
Place the fabrics right sides together and center the paper on the back of one of the fabrics and pin it in a few places to hold it together. (Ignore the stitching, I started sewing and then realized I forgot to take a photo!)
Shorten your stitch to about 1.5mm and sew 1/4" away from both sides of the diagonal lines ONLY. Ignore the arrows, they are for directional purpose only. They are not at 1/4".
If you want to make more than one at a time, I have designed my own Half-square triangle paper so you can make 8 at a time. You will need 40 total so you just need to copy the foundation 5 times on some type of thin paper. Be sure to check the 1" box after printing to make sure it prints at the correct size. (Print at "no scaling" or at 100%.) Cut the two fabrics into 7" squares and cut out around the paper form (I cut about 1/4" around the line).
Place the fabrics right sides together and center the paper on the back of one of the fabrics and pin it in a few places to hold it together. (Ignore the stitching, I started sewing and then realized I forgot to take a photo!)
Make sure that your fabric on the bottom is not flipped when sewing! Time to get out the trusty seam ripper! I'm not ashamed to show my mistakes. Just part of quilting!
Then cut apart on all of the solid lines.
Press towards the darker fabrics and then tear the paper off. By pressing with the paper on you get a nice crisp seam. Trim the squares to 2-3/4". (I trimmed the bottom one.) Now they are ready to sew together.
You can get the paper here:
Please let me know if you are unable to open the file. Be sure to measure your sections when sewing the half-square triangles together. It is always important to measure as you go to get everything to fit together accurately.
I want to give you one more tip about doing blocks with half-square triangles. I know sometimes it is difficult to perfectly cut those squares in half diagonally. Sometimes you don't cut exactly through the corners. This isn't the end of the world if you do that. You can compensate when you go to piece the sections together. I purposely cut the large triangle a little off so I can show you what to do.
If it is the larger side of the triangle, You can line up the diagonal seams, sew and then trim the block to size. If it is on the smaller side, line up the 90 degree corners and sew your 1/4" seam from the pieced side. Since this is a very long bias edge, be sure to use a lot of pins to keep it from stretching and let your machine do the work. Do not push or pull your fabric as you are sewing.
One more quick little tip. Have you noticed that as you are sewing along and you come to a seam that is fairly bulky your fabric has a tendency to get pushed to the left of the foot? If this is happening, then slow down when you sew over those bulky seams gently guiding the fabric so it doesn't shift. It works every time!
If it is the larger side of the triangle, You can line up the diagonal seams, sew and then trim the block to size. If it is on the smaller side, line up the 90 degree corners and sew your 1/4" seam from the pieced side. Since this is a very long bias edge, be sure to use a lot of pins to keep it from stretching and let your machine do the work. Do not push or pull your fabric as you are sewing.
One more quick little tip. Have you noticed that as you are sewing along and you come to a seam that is fairly bulky your fabric has a tendency to get pushed to the left of the foot? If this is happening, then slow down when you sew over those bulky seams gently guiding the fabric so it doesn't shift. It works every time!
Congrats to the two winners from the last blog. Virginia and Barb (not sure of their last names) won! Virginia said, "Thanks for sharing your pattern, time, and knowledge with us." Barb said, "Thank you for creating this mystery--they are interesting and fun!". I have emailed them both so the first one to respond gets to pick which prize they want.ELECTRIC QUILT
I have to confess. I didn't make the quilt that you see in the pattern. I was working on other projects so I sent the instructions to Ashley and as she pieced the quilt, she checked the instructions. The image you see is a virtual image created by Electric Quilt 8. I use it to design all of my quilts. It is a fantastic program. The fabric scans are to scale so when I design a quilt with the fabrics it looks just as if I made it! If you haven't tried it and like designing your own quilts, I highly recommend it. If you don't want the full version you can get Electric Quilt Mini. It isn't as expensive and it is a great way to get an introduction into their software.NEW DRAWING
I decided for this week's drawing that I will give away some fat quarters of the fabrics that I used to make my block. They are part of a collection called Garibaldi by Sara Morgan with Washington Street Studio Fabrics. If you like the collection you can purchase it here: Garibaldi. I will also randomly choose 5 extra names to receive the foundation papers by mail to make the half-square triangles. (USA only.) Be sure to leave a comment and your email so I can contact you if you win.
Here is part one of my center block with the collection. It is a beautiful black and red roses collection.
Craftsy (Bluprint) is having a sale on some of their kits. My Lords and Ladies quilt kit and pattern is one that is on sale. It is 60% off! You can find it here: Lords and Ladies. It is a very easy pattern that combines a Courthouse Step block and an Hourglass block.
You can also get 2 weeks of Bluprint for only $1. Expiration Date: 10/27/2018 11:59pm MST
Restrictions: One (1) redemption per email address 10/22/2018 12:01AM Mountain Time through 10/27/2018 11:59PM Mountain Time. Price is only valid for the first 12 months of service, after which you will be charged our standard subscription rate of $14.99 for monthly or $120 for annual plans. Offer cannot be combined with other offers, and is not redeemable for cash. Cancelled Craftsy Unlimited and cancelled or current Bluprint customers are not eligible for this offer. Free shipping is only available in the U.S. You can cancel at any time, but your annual subscription will remain active for the full period and prorated refunds will not be offered. Subject to additional terms, see full details at checkout. Bluprint may end or alter this offer at their discretion.
Restrictions: One (1) redemption per email address 10/22/2018 12:01AM Mountain Time through 10/27/2018 11:59PM Mountain Time. Price is only valid for the first 12 months of service, after which you will be charged our standard subscription rate of $14.99 for monthly or $120 for annual plans. Offer cannot be combined with other offers, and is not redeemable for cash. Cancelled Craftsy Unlimited and cancelled or current Bluprint customers are not eligible for this offer. Free shipping is only available in the U.S. You can cancel at any time, but your annual subscription will remain active for the full period and prorated refunds will not be offered. Subject to additional terms, see full details at checkout. Bluprint may end or alter this offer at their discretion.

As always: Do what you love and love what you do. Feel free to forward and share this with your quilting friends Thank you for reading. Toby Lischko
I think I can manage these...thanks for designing!!
Now things are starting to get interesting. Thanks for sharing the suspense. ;)
Now things are starting to get interesting. Thanks for sharing the suspense. ;)
Thank you so much for the HST paper!
Wow... Your fabric selection is beautiful!
Thank you for the foundation paper idea! I am looking forward to trying it!! It seems like it will make all those HSTs easier!
That new block looks like a nice addition. My first mystery quilt and it’s so interesting waiting to see where it goes. Thank you
Thank you Toby, fantastic mystery challenge. Sorry to hear that only US participants can win, I have a US mailing address that I can use. But Live in Canada.
Cheers and thanks again for sharing your talent with us.
Joan Cox
Enjoying seeing all the color variations.
Thank you for the HST paper and the fantastic directions. I'm loving this mystery challenge. Your pattern is beautiful!
Thank you Toby! Great pattern, great challenge!
I have seen triangles done this way before but have not tried it as I was fearful of ruining fabric if it didn't work out for me. Your explanation and diagrams are wonderful and I will be using this method for this weeks part of the challenge. I have also been hesitant about any pattern with flying geese but did enjoy doing them the way we had to do them for this challenge. I am learning a lot from doing this challenge, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with me.
Cyndi Yohe
This is my first quilt challenge as well as working with angles. I am learning a lot and having fun. Can’t wait to see the end results.
Robbie. rshedlof@cox.net
I love your fabrics! Thanks for sharing your tips for making all those 1/2 square triangle sets. 😊
Thank you for all the help! I love the colors you have chosen for your block! I am having a lot of fun with this mystery quilt!
Thank you again for the helpful hints. I’m looking forward to working on the blocks this weekend.
Thank you for the wonderful directions Toby, can't wait to get started on all those hst over the weekend.
I have not had chance to get started on this mystery quilt yet but I sure am enjoying all of the pictures that the quilters have posted and I am new to your blog and I am enjoying it also. It is loaded with lots of good information. Thanks.
I have a Folded Corner Clipper ruler that really has been of help to me making these squares. Still waiting on my fabric to get here. Can not wait to get started.
Thank you so much Toby. Very informative. Always wondered how people got those pesty corners to lay flat. Now I know. This is so much fun. Have never done anything like this before. Curious on how it turns out. Am doing a scrappy as I have so much of this and that in my stash. You guys are doing a great job. Love it!!!!!!!
Thank you for your instructions. I haven't started yet. Trying to finish xmas stuff.
This has been fun so far. Thank you
just getting over the flu waiting on my templates for corners I ordered from you which will arrive tomarrow I am hoping I feel better this weekend I can hardly wait to start its so exciting to see the progress everyone is making, Thank you for such clear instructions and the blog it is very helpful
Oh I am excited to get these Part 3 Blocks assembled. I am loving my center square. Every time I look at it it makes me happy, it's so bright and cheery, making me quite glad I chose the fabrics I did. Also, really looking forward to seeing your quilt come together, what beautiful fabrics. I've always loved the red and black combination. I am really loving this challenge, even with all of these pesky HST's.
Thanks for the suggestions on how to easily make the HST units. This is my first time following a pattern, and I've found it easy to follow. I'm really enjoying this challenge!
Thank you for showing how to make 8 HST at once I am learning a lot.
Thanks for the tips. Makes me sad that the draw is limited to USA only. :-(. Looking forward to working on this.
Thanks for the tips. Makes me sad that the draw is limited to USA only. :-(. Looking forward to working on this.
Your fabrics are beautiful! Also, thanks for sharing the quick way to make HST! I'm looking forward to making the new blocks.
Can printer paper work for the 1/2 square triangle trick? I sure hope so. Thank you sharing your time and talents with us. This quilting project is giving me the practice and confidence to tackle more difficult projects.
This is so fun.
Thank you for the design and all the tips
Thank you for the pattern
Thanks for the lovely quilt pattern!
Nancy McPherson
Thanks for taking you time to do this mystery quilt I am really enjoying seeing everyone's lovely blocks. I have not started mine yet as I have too many projects going right now, but have downloaded every step to do at a later date.
I like reading your tips and learning new ways to do things, however that being said I have a tendency when I sit at my machine or start to cut I go back to my standard way of doing things, but I really enjoy reading the blog. NancyAMcPherson@msn.com
Love your colors.
Kathleen kemccoy@cableone.net
I am loving this quilt!!! Thank you for sharing it.
Love your colors...soft but strong! Thanks for the tutorial.
Just finished my next step. Thank you.
I am so loving this! I waited all day to get the pattern and now I want to make the squares before I go to bed. Thanks for the design and all of the teaching! Deborah Cameron. debcameron0708@gmail.com
Half square triangles! Well, practice makes perfect! I’m loving this quilt, even though it’s a very steep learning curve.
This is such a great mystery, my girlfriends have all done mystery quilts before but this will be my first one. I am a little late getting started but I have been digging for my fabrics since my move and it looks like a war zone. LOL...
I love doing this challenge. I am learning a lot of new techniques. Good luck to everyone.
Love this challenge. I am learning a lot of techniques I have not used before.
Thank you for your time in doing this Toby. Time is a precious commodity and I appreciate yours. This is my first time doing a 'group' project and I am appreciating all the advice and encouragement, even if my flock is unruly, lol. Have a blessed day!
This may sound crazy but I love doing half square triangles! I also love learning different ways to get the same results. Thanks for the tips!!
So glad to have found your blog. Such great info to help with the Mystery Challenge. It’s my first challenge and haven’t learned all the secrets yet.
Thanks for the great tutorial. Certainly helps for this newly here.
This is my first mystery quilt along. Im enjoying every part of this...I think for me it's about taking the time to measure correctly and enjoy the process
Thank you for the template it is such a time saver
Thank you so much. I have never made a medallion quilt before so I am really excited to see how one that is a mystery is going to turn out for me. :-)
Love your fabric choices! Thank you for the Mystery Quilt Challenge! Can't wait to see how these new blocks will be used!
This is my first mystery quilt and I am loving it! It is so fun to watch the colors come together to play.
Beth L. cbethlaborde@gmail.com
Reading this blog (and receiving encouragement on the FB page). Had been so helpful. This is my first ever quilt and only my 2nd quilting project so I am a true beginner. Gonna try that triangle paper techno. Thank yo. Brenda L. Luckyskunk1@ Hotmail com
thanks for the hst shortcut
I am Enjoying your mystery quilt
Thanks Toby
Your fabric colorway is so nice! Like the red and black. Thanks for all the advise on triangles; for me they are a challenge!
This quilt is coming along just beautifully. Can't wait to see more progress! Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
Sandra leftymom5@yahoo.com
This too is my first mystery quilt of such a magnitude. I like sharpening my skills, learning new things and I am looking forward to the results of this quilt. I am making it for my FIL for Christmas. He will likely get it a bit later since it needs to be quilted but I am enjoying it so much right now.
Thank you for the time saving hst tip. Lyondi@aol.com
Trying to finish some baby projects so haven't started this yet, but I am impressed by what everyone has done so far. I normally don't like HST and was going to try and use some old Thangles that I have, but your way is better. Can't wait to see it all unfold!
This pattern is stupendous..and thanks for your great tips
Picked out fabrics and will be working on tomorrow. Your Black, red combo is fantastic and got my quilting juices flowing. Thank you
Loving this Mystery Quilt. Thank you for sharing your design and time with us :)
Wish I had seen this earlier!
This Quilt along is great. It's my first time doing a mystery quilt and I am so glad I found the sight. Thanks! happy in KY
I can't wait to try...It took forever for me to dig through my stash to choose 8 fabrics...I managed to use stash except for 1, so I think I did OK. Thanks for this!
Having a good time and like it so far. Thanks for the pattern
Going to work right now- need to catch up. Thanks for the additional instructions. Picked all of my fabric from my stash except the border fabric. Got a great buy on it at my local shop.
Gorgeous blocks, I love the fabric you chose, the red rose is just stunning! I have been following along and excited for this week's block. I have a full day of sewing planned.
I love this mystery Im only now starting on block one and found your instructions so helpful. Thanks for sharing this with me.
I just got started on the first block had to finish one other I was doing and it is working out to be so pretty.
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge,I love this challenge and your pattern is beautiful
Helen Fulton
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